星期五, 8月 04, 2006


I was deeply moved to see TIGER won the Open this year, not becuase he is the greatest golfer ever, or this is his 11th Major title or he finally got out from his slump!!! It is because he finally did it - won a tournament without having his father on his side!

This is Symbolic and he will be transformed. Just like kids learn to walk, FELL - NO ONE HELP - STRUGGLING AND CRY - THEN TRY TO STAND UP - TRY AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN - STAND UP ON THEIR OWN - SMILE AND WALK, OR EVEN RUN!!
This process is recurring again and again in everyone's life, perhaps is in your STUDY, CAREER, FAMILY OR PARTNER RELATIONSHIPS, LIFE AND DEATH ISSUES....

IF you get the breakthrough, you will be transformed just as TIGER, if not, you'll be stuck and going nowhere and this will haunting you forever!

But whether you can get the breakthrough, I think the key is DETERMINATION.

Anyway, I am very release to see TIGER win. I hope I can also win in my LIFE tournaments!!!

星期四, 8月 03, 2006


Being a fellower of SOFTHARD since the late 80's, I was deeply moved by their recent concert. Having spoken with people who went to see them, besides the terrific " WILD DANCE & MOVE YOUR BODY", almost everyone said the concert brought them back the most beautiful memeory in their life - THE FANTASTIC LIFE AS A TEENAGER.
RAW & ENERGETIC, "GO FOR IT" attitude........ (like the "JUST TO IT" slogan)

Of couse one have to enjoy every stages in life, but when is the last time I/YOU did something which is really daring without having to consider every aspects...... I pay great respect to JAN & ERIC as they seems yet to be contaminated by things happening in life. THE PASSION, THE HUNGER and the GO FOR IT are really inspiring!!!


It is unbelievable to see that so many people on Fong's blog arguing which writer is good or which is crap on HKEJ!! Why wasting so much time debating this??! I am surpise to see that little or almost no comment were made in regards to the ownership change of HKEJ.

If we don't have people like Mr and Mrs Lam to run such an wonderful newsapaper, do you really think we can read articles from CHO, HUANG or FONG???!!

Until this day, I still can't believe 信報 was sold to LOOK CHUK!!

星期三, 8月 02, 2006


Have been reading HKEJ for ages and ownership was changed from yesterday! As a long term reader, I have mixed feeling! It is quite ironic that the most credible newspaper in HONG KONG was sold to a businessman with almost no creditability, if any! I think this is a heartbreaking decision to the legendary Mr 林山木, but on the other hand, this is probably a wise move for HKEJ to continue operation.

信報的易手, 代表着一個堅守信念的時代已到終結!!